Pulled in a million directions? The simplest solution: Focus.

This is a love note in the form of a call out.  

What if instead of having to balance #allthethings it could be simple? 

What if instead of having to split your energy in a dozen different directions simultaneously and flip back-and-forth between all of your different roles and all the different sources of input and all of the different momentary drama and fire drills that flare up... you had an alternative?

Instead of panic or resentment or frustration you could feel ready, clear, calm and confident

Your emotions are a result of your thoughts. 

If you’re thinking anything along the lines of:

“I have to do all these things all at once and nothing’s ever quite right or quite good enough and why is all this chaos the status quo and why is it so hard and why am I not a better smarter faster stronger?” 

Then of course you’re going to feel overwhelmed, discouraged, stuck, burnt out and flat out weary. 

But I want to offer you this today:

it’s not about having to wear all the hats - It is about focusing.

Focusing with the time that you have on the things that you want to get done.
That’s it. It’s super simple. 

Now, what it does require is planning and discipline but you are totally capable of that.

Fractured thinking produces fractured results. 
Focused thinking produces focused results.

If the mere mention of the word "focus" is sending you into a tailspin, look at your thoughts. 

  • What are you believing about the possibility of focusing? 

  • Are you believing that it’s not possible to focus? That you have too much else going on? That it’s all urgent? That there’s no way to prioritize? 

Those are all thoughts (which means they’re optional).

Those are all the thoughts at play right now creating the result that you’ve got: one step forward and two steps back. A little bit of progress here a little better progress and a whole lotta drama in between. 

Your results prove your thoughts.

If you want different results find the thoughts that are creating your results. 

Certified Leadership Coach

If you’d like to learn how to do this and help those you lead do the same - get your goals achieved, complete your projects, with less drama, and more simplicity - join me in the Leadership Coaching Mentorship. You’ll learn the art and science of coaching as a leader. Then, you’ll have the chance to apply it in real life with coaching, and become a Certified Leadership Coach. 

Your first step is to submit your application, then we’ll have a goal setting call, and we get started June 1. Get started here: https://www.tarahkeech.com/leadershipcoaching


Success is not about having to wear all the hats - It is about focusing.

Focusing with the time that you have on the things that you want to get done.

That’s it. It’s super simple.


Quick question. How do you want to show up?


The Reaction Rollercoaster