“What’s Next?”

A retreat for leaders to figure out What’s Next?

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Ready to figure out your next step?

Join the “What’s Next?” Leaders Retreat to figure out what’s next - for your team, your organization, and for yourself - personally and professionally.

Who is this for?

If you are a leader or professional who is stuck or who asks yourself, “What’s next?”


  • You don’t know where to start - but you do know you can’t keep doing what you’ve been doing.

  • You got what you wanted - but it doesn’t look like you expected or doesn’t feel right anymore.

  • Or, you do know what you want for yourself, your career, and your team - but you aren’t quite sure what the next right step is.

If this is you - it’s time to get out of the routine and out of the status quo, and get into your inspired and aligned next step.

Participants at a workshop by Tarah Keech Coaching - Leadership retreat - Burnout prevention and recovery
Tarah Keech facilitating leadership retreat and workshop - Leadership coach and leadership workshop

Bridging the gap

The most important element in your leadership strategy is - you. 

In the “What's Next?” Retreat, this one-day event is where you can finally figure out “What’s next?” for you, your team, your company, your career, and your life. 

Leading well requires you being well.

This means your well-being is priority #1.

Being well requires intention. This is where you’re going to focus during this intensive one-day experience: on what you really want, where you’re at now, and a doable, empowering plan for how you will bridge the gap to get there. 

What can I expect?

During your experience at the “What’s Next?” Leaders Retreat, you can expect to be seen and heard, to be guided into greater clarity of what you do want, to have a safe space to articulate what matters most to you.

You’ll have a sounding board of like-minded growth-oriented leaders, expert deep-dive facilitation, and the benefit of their experienced insights as you figure out what your next best step is and strategically build your map for how to get there. 

It can be lonely at the top.

Leaders often struggle with reflection and relationships that are shallow and guarded because it can seem safer than going deep. 

This is your safe space.

During your retreat experience, you’ll be guided through exploring your next level, thinking through the transition and readying yourself for transforming. 

Academic Leadership Retreat Participants - Hosted and facilitated by Tarah Keech Coaching

What’s our agenda?

In a relaxed, comfortable setting you will learn new perspectives in your intention setting and strategic decision making.

Easy, facilitated conversations are paired with small group and independent work and there is plenty of time to receive ideas and feedback from others at the table.

Leaders collaborating and celebrating with fist bumps - The What's Next Leadership Retreat by Tarah Keech Coaching

What will we cover?

  • Intentionally setting your goals towards what you want - instead of out of obligation, guilt, and fear

  • Aligning your personal and professional values and vision with integrity and enthusiasm - rewriting the stress of all or nothing, zero-sum games and other people’s “should” imperatives 

  • Taking an honest inventory of the current situation

  • What’s next? You will walk away knowing where to start and you will have a personalized “compass” decision guide dialed in on your “true North” priorities, and simplified path for how to get you there. 

Whether you’re in the midst of a chapter of growth, challenged by changing dynamics, making strategic plans for the future, or looking for reliable direction - the “What's Next?” Retreat will help you find these answers.


“On behalf of the board, I just want to thank you again for your excellent retreat today! It was so well received and a breath of fresh air from the usual.”


“What a phenomenal retreat! Thanks so much Tarah! So many great takeaways today.”

Be the first to know

Be the first to know

Tarah Keech, Leadership Coach - Speaking at 2023 Conference on Leadership Confidence

Join us to figure out what’s next for your company, your team, your career, and you - personally and professionally.


  • If you’re responsible for leading or helping others as they take action, you’re a leader. 

    This is to support all stages of leaders. Emerging, new, and seasoned leaders alike will learn themselves better and learn how to carry these principles forward into your organization, your team, and your future. 

    If you’re willing to be curious, kind to yourself and others, honest, introspective, and a supportive group conversation participant, you’re going to have a blast and get rich results from your experience here.

  • This “What’s Next?” live retreat event supports organizational, team, and individual planning at any stage. 

    Whether you’re at the pre-contemplation or actively working through change management, if you’re asking yourself or your team “What’s Next?” you will gain invaluable insights from this event.  

  • If you’re committed to doing what’s always been done how it’s been done, prefer to honor other people’s expectations of you over your own wellbeing, or are unwilling to be curious and kind, please do not attend.

  • In order for growth, we need new ideas and new experiences. 

    You can’t get that in a vacuum and it’s difficult to do with only the same voices. 

  • Professional Development funds may be available to offset your cost of attending. If you’d like to discuss how to support your continuing education needs, please reach out to your host at tarah@tarahkeech.com.

    Additionally, there are a limited number of scholarships available. Please reach out to tarah@tarahkeech.com to learn more and apply. 

    If you would like to provide sponsorship for individual scholarship or purchase group tickets, please reach out to tarah@tarahkeech.com

  • Absolutely! If you are a willing participant and complete the event activities, I give you my 100% satisfaction guarantee, or your money back. 

Meet your host

Hello! I’m Tarah Keech, your host for the “What’s Next?” Leaders Retreat. 

My goal for this day together is to get you over the hump of uncertainty and send you on your way with the tools you need to implement that plan with clarity and confidence. 

I’m a life coach for leaders and a burnout recovery expert with a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from UC Denver and a resume of Fortune 500 consulting over the past 13 years. 

Through my programs and events, I love to support heart-centered leaders like you with new tools and perspectives you need to navigate leading while serving so that you can coach well, lead well, and thrive - personally and professionally. 

Whatever it is that you want and envision for your future is possible and you are 100% capable. Let’s get rid of the noise and confusion standing between you and that next aligned, inspired step.

Tarah Keech, Life Coach for Leaders and Host of the What's Next Leaders Retreat - Speaking at Retreat
Tarah Keech, Life Coach for Leaders and Host of the What's Next Leaders Retreat
Tarah Keech, Keynote Speaker and Life Coach for Leaders and Host of the What's Next Leaders Retreat